Child Safety System, Smart Close®, brings legislator to Reed City
U.S. Congressman Pete Hoekstra (R-Holland) visited the facility on Tuesday to observe first-hand its exciting new child safety system.

Demonstration of the child safety system
After the demonstration, Congressman Hoekstra was very impressed with Ascencione’s product stating it is “very powerful” and the “technology seems better than the best they have in Europe.” Hoekstra further felt that the product has “great potential” for the U.S. automotive industry to save kids’ lives.
Smart Close® first shown
This space-age product first drew national attention when Governor Jennifer Granholm, Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land, U.S. Congressman Dave Camp, and Department of Labor Director David Hollister came to Reed City. There were all introduced to Smart Close® system.
Anti-Trap window
Smart Close® is anti-trap safety technology developed by Nartron. For example, when a child places his finger or neck in the window opening when the window is closing. The window always reverses before touching or trapping the child. A space-charged field in the window opening detects the child’s presence and won’t allow the window to close unless the child removes his finger or neck.
Congressman Hoekstra offered to help bring Smart Close™ directly to senior automotive executives.
As part of the demonstration, Hoekstra saw the current technology and the damage it can do. Hoekstra placed a pop can in the window opening while the window was being closed. He witnessed the crushing of the can. The same crushing force that recently killed two small children. After seeing both the current technology and the safe anti-trap system, he commented, “I can’t quite figure out why people wouldn’t just jump on it.” Congressman Hoekstra offered to help Nartron president Norman Rautiola bring Smart Close™ directly to senior automotive executives.

Nartron’s product is truly “anti-trap”, It is non-contact and will not injure a child.